BUSH FIRES – The hot weather last week, in the Bega district, was marked by a succession of bush fires on all sides. At Brogo, the hill known as the “Pinch” was one mass of flames, and the country towards Merimbula, on the one side, and towards the Upper Brogo, was well scorched. At Sandy Creek, and Sam’s Corner, the fires raged with great severity, and towards Merimbula the bush was on fire in many places. On the Big Jack’s road the forests were on fire for miles, and the conflagration extended towards Towamba and Pussy-Cat. The only loss we hear of was among Mr. Black’s survey gear. One of his tents and five or six saddles were destroyed. The rain of Sunday appears to have been pretty general; the fires were put out and the clouds of smoke dispersed. Since the above was in type, the Standard has received a letter from Mr. Jasper Blair to the effect that part of his camp was destroyed, including a large tent and five saddles, besides completely burning out two of his men.


The Sydney Morning Herald 11 March 1876