Jul 1804

On Monday last arrived the Sloop Contest, from the Southward, with the Detachment onboard all well. In Two-fold Bay Mr. Draffin went on shore, accompanied by the Master of the vessel,   attended by Mongoul, a native of Sydney. Shortly after landing, they were surrounded by a numerous body of the natives of that quarter, who were particularly civil to the small party, and especially so to Mongoul.


In the evening he was left onshore at his own request; two soldiers remaining also among the natives, who had formed an encampment near the beach; but shortly after, owing to some sudden misunderstanding, three spears were darted at Mongoul, but were dexterously avoided. The soldiers in order to intimidate them fired over their heads and induced them to retreat precipitately. They re-appeared the next morning, and renewed their courtesy, but with much caution, and as if intent upon some mischievous design. The first opportunity that offered they found means to carry off a knapsack with its whole contents, and immediately all disappeared.


They were pursued, however, with every expedition, and followed by their tracts thro' the Brush to the distance of 12 to 14 miles before they were overtaken; when being discovered dressed in the clothing taken from the knapsack, and dancing, they were instantly closed with, but taking to their spears, and other offensive weapons, rendered it necessary to fire upon them one was killed, the others followed the party back to their boats, annoying the with spears at every opportunity, which they continued to do until the whole were embarked.


“SHIP NEWS.” The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW: 1803 – 1842) 22 Jul 1804